Do you want to lose weight? Change these five habits that you do at night

Getting our body to continue burning calories at night is easy if we follow these easy tips

You may have tried everything and nothing has worked for you. That you have gone through all the diets, from the oldest to those that are now in fashion, and your body remains the same. That you are not able to 
lose weight , even if you try to lose weight. But what would you say if they told you that you can lose the extra pounds by changing a few habits ?

Maybe the solution to your problem is not counting calories , eliminating fats or carbohydrates from your diet or reducing the intake of any particular food. It may be enough to follow some habits at night that will allow you to sleep better and, at the same time, help your body to get rid of the excess pounds.
What you do at the end of your day affects your weight as much or more than what you do for the rest of the day. The night can be terrible for people who are prone to overeating while watching their favorite TV shows on the couch, so start changing these habits to keep your body in top shape.

Green Tea

Green tea can be great for weight loss, but its caffeine content can keep you awake beyond your bedtime. Exchange it for chamomile tea, which contains bioactive phytochemicals that help improve sleep , according to a study published in ' Molecular Medicine Reports '. The study also noted that chamomile tea acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in the body and helps with digestive disorders and stomach upsets.

Late dinners

Dining early is a great way to cut down on a pair of pants sizes . Research published by the ' Obesity Society ' shows that eating earlier in the day can help you lose weight, since you have more time to burn calories.

Do you watch movies

According to a study published by ' Frontiers in Psychology ', people tend to eat when they are bored. So before you buy those popcorn for the movie, ask yourself if you really are hungry or just eat because you have nothing else to do. Try reading a book, meditating, or journaling to keep your mind (and stomach) busy.

Social networks

Keeping your phone on will only keep you awake later and make you eat without thinking while looking at your screen. A study by the ' Lighting Research Center at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ' noted that the light emitted by technological devices actually suppresses the production of melatonin in the brain. This is the main sleep hormone in your body, so when not enough is produced you will experience sleep complications.

You sleep less than 5 hours

Sleeping less than the recommended eight hours is hampering the progress of weight loss , according to this study by ' Annals of Internal Medicine .' The study notes that lack of sleep can actually slow down weight loss, and participants who slept only 5.5 hours lost less weight and lost more lean body mass than those who slept 8.5 hours.