The thermogenic are gaining increasing popularity in the world of sport, but before using them better informed. With this objective, we will analyze below what is thermogenic and how it works in our body. We will also talk a little about the possible risks that may arise regarding our health.
Thermogenics and their meaning
The thermogenic dependent function generarcalor by increasing metabolism causing portermogénesis lipolysis. Thermogenesis is nothing other than heat production by the body. So when lipolysis is caused by thermogenesis, in other words, the disintegration of fat is achieved.
They are able to activate some receptors of the cells making them believe that the brain asks to increase the production of calories. This increase is developed by the body through the consumption of fatty acids from the body's fat reserves. All this process results in the reduction of these fats stored in the body.
For the effective operation of these fat burners, another important factor must be linked, which is physical exercise. Remember that it is not about diuretics or products that decrease appetite. Rather, these are chemicals that will raise your temperature, so pedaling will help you burn fat.
It is true that thermogenics are artificial or chemical products, however, they have components that naturally raise the body temperature. Such is the case of components such as caffeine, theine or L-carnitine generally used in its manufacture. Even so, it is important to make sure not to harm our health when consuming these products.
How to use thermogenic fat burners
We have already seen that with the help of fat burners we can alter metabolism for our own benefit. Managing to increase power, strength or simply to reduce weight. However, this process must be carried out with caution since each metabolism is different, the same results are not always obtained.
Fat burners should be used in amounts that are based on your body weight. Likewise, they must be used at ideal times, the constant use of these products is not recommended. Always remember that thermogenics also requires a balanced diet accompanied by physical exercise.
If you intend to consume these products, try to use those that contain most of the natural compounds. The compounds that work as natural thermogens are: caffeine, tea, citrus, nuts , red and infusions such as mate. In addition, fat burners will not benefit you if you do not nourish your body by replacing carbohydrates.
The best way to lose weight is to combine cycling with a suitable diet. If you are already an active person, it may not be necessary to consume thermogenic products . But if you still decide to take them, it is better to do it in the morning so as not to alter your digestive system.
Risks in the use of thermogenics
Fat burners serve as energy activators. They can be very useful if you know how to use them, otherwise you may be exposed to risks in your health. The use of these products is not recommended in all cases since in hypertensive people it can be harmful.
Although over time its formula has been changed in order to greatly reduce side effects . However, if you suffer from nerves or your nervous system is altered for some reason, it is better to avoid its use. Also if you suffer from any heart condition, coronary heart disease or tension problems, avoid consuming thermogenics .
The most recommended is to cycle the use of these products and not consume them consecutively for more than four months. With the use of these products you can manifest discomforts such as: cardiac arrhythmias, dizziness, difficulty urinating or headache. So it is important to learn how to use them properly.
The use of energy activators can alter your heart rate and raise the risk of having a cardiovascular accident. That is why it is essential to consult a health professional before consuming these substances. So you can rule out any pathology that could be affected with the use of thermogenics .
Benefits in the use of thermogenics
Fat burners can provide some benefits to our body if we learn to use them appropriately. In the same way, it is always recommended to listen to the suggestions of a doctor before consuming this type of substance. Some of the reported benefits of consuming thermogenics are:
- They reduce fat deposits and improve the ratio of fat to muscle mass.
- It works as an energy activator providing more energy during training. It prepares the body for physical exercise by increasing energy substrates to the muscle.
- Those that contain carnitine help to improve circulation and lower cholesterol levels in the blood.
- Depending on the organism of each individual, they increase the basal energy expenditure.
Recommended dose
The thermogenics themselves contain the dose recommended by the manufacturer, however, it is recommended to start with a lower dose. Since these products contain stimulant compounds, it is necessary to test the tolerance or sensitivity of our body to said compound.
To this end, it is advisable, at first, to consume half the dose stipulated by the manufacturer. In this way, the various side effects that may arise if the body does not obtain a good response will be avoided. Once the good assimilation has been verified, it is necessary to never exceed the dose prescribed by the manufacturer.
Tips that you should always keep in mind
- Never start consuming fat burners without first consulting a health professional for advice.
- If you experience nausea, headache, or difficulty breathing, immediately stop using thermogenics .
- If you have any disease related to the heart, liver or kidney, do not consume this type of substance. The same is true if you have a medical condition such as diabetes, thyroid, asthma, or high blood pressure.
- Energy activators work as aids in reducing body fat. To obtain good results, it is also necessary to have a diet plan in conjunction with physical activity.