That is the secret to start losing weight and losing weight right away.
To lose a pound of fat, you need to eliminate or stop consuming 7,000 calories. So, the first thing you should know is that it is practically impossible to lose a pound of fat a day.
If you weigh a pound less overnight, it’s because you’ve lost fluids and fat. And this is how, when we weigh ourselves, there can be variations from day to day and even throughout the day.
Our weight changes throughout the day
Our weight is not something fixed or static and, therefore, can vary for several reasons throughout the day or week.
We don't weigh the same in the morning or in the afternoon, whether we eat or not, whether we went to the bathroom or not, or even depending on the day of the menstrual cycle in women.
Lose fat, not liquids
So, if you are on a diet and want to lose weight, what interests you is to lose fat.
There are miracle diets that make us lose more than 2 kilos in a week, but we are not deluded; most will certainly be liquid, because without exercise it is very difficult to lose 2 kilos of fat per week.
Another thing you should know is that the more pounds you lose, the easier you can lose weight, as your calorie expenditure is higher.
As we lose weight, our caloric expenditure decreases and we have to reduce more and more what we eat to continue losing weight.
To lose a pound of fat, combine diet and exercise
Still, regardless of your weight, the ideal is to combine diet and exercise. First, because exercise is essential for health, and second, because it helps to burn more calories.
As I said before, losing a pound of fat a day is almost impossible, but you can do this every week. To do this, you need your body not to have around 1,000 calories a day; therefore, unless you have a lot of pounds, it is difficult to achieve it just with your diet.
The best way to increase caloric expenditure is to combine your diet with exercise. After all, you can't and shouldn't stop eating, because food doesn't just provide calories. They provide nutrients and give you energy to live.
Very restrictive diets are difficult to maintain in time, energy and leave you without muscle mass and have a rebound effect as soon as you leave.
And you know that in order for your body to have no calories, you just need to eat less and move around more.