Many people dream of losing weight easily and quickly, because there are situations in which hated kilograms must be lost in a couple of days. Extreme weight loss provides this opportunity, as it is a way to lose weight significantly in a short time and not harm your own body. Just keep in mind that it is suitable only for healthy people, because a sudden change in diet is always a health risk.
What is extreme weight loss?
A person gains weight not in a day or a week, but in a few months or years, which means that they must gradually get rid of it. Losing a few pounds in a short time is unnatural and can cause significant harm to health. You cannot rush from one extreme to the other, so as not to cause obesity or bulimia. However, in life there are emergencies when emergency weight loss is required, for example, responsible acting with an athlete or an upcoming show with a model. For such cases, special diets, training.
What you can lose weight fast
Try a Cindy Crawford workout. A set of exercises to lose weight fast lasts an hour, all muscle groups are resolved. The system is heavy, so to start you can choose a simplified version. The criticism from people who have tried this technique on themselves is impressive. In intense training, she can shed a pound of weight, and after a week she looks like a model. What makes you lose weight fast? Use the Scarlett Johansson diet, she is against hunger strikes and gives her own recipe for losing weight, actively jogging in the morning and following a diet.
Cleaning Enterosgel is considered a modern sorbent by nutritionists as a necessary step in any weight loss program. It actively absorbs only harmful wastes and toxins, which enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of body fat. It is these toxins that cause nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, stool disorders, dull skin, the appearance of acne and spots on it. This sorbent fills the stomach well, thus creating a feeling of satiety, absorbs excess gastric juice and enzymes, neutralizing its irritating effect on the stomach walls. Let's admit it to taking long courses, unlike other sorbents.
Extreme weight loss methods
In the search for a beautiful body, people often resort to extreme methods to lose weight and lose their health. The cause of the problems may be insulin injection, the use of diuretics, dangerous diet pills, and psychotropic substances. To achieve success and not harm the body is only possible with the help of diet or sports, however there are several extreme medical ways to lose weight:
- Bandage the stomach. The operation is carried out in a clinic and represents the formation in the stomach of a department that can accommodate only 30 g of food. As a result, food consumption decreases, leading to a quick result. The risk of complications is minimal. Weight loss: high.
- How can you lose weight very fast? Liposuction gives instant results, but it will take up to 4 weeks to recover. This is a serious surgical intervention: through small incisions, a specialist inserts a thin tube under the skin, which performs translational movements. The doctor destroys the fatty tissue and then pumps it through the tube. Weight loss: high.

How to lose weight fast
It will help three days on an empty stomach (3 days in the water). The next 3 days you should slowly come out of hunger by including vegetable soups and salads in your diet. Eating should be in small portions so as not to cause nausea. Losing weight very quickly will help low calorie foods. You can follow a three-day kefir diet or a juice mixture diet. Finally, you can use mono-diets, which are a uniform diet: they eat a product for 5 days, for example, buckwheat porridge, cucumbers, watermelons ...
How to lose weight in one day
Success can be achieved if you organize a fast day. In the evening, you should have dinner 4 hours before bed with lean soup or low-fat cottage cheese. The next day, eat only apples or kiwi, you can eat pumpkin. This will not only allow you to lose weight by 2 kg per day, but will also cleanse the liver and intestines. Leaving the fast day should be gradual so as not to cause stomach upset and vomiting. You can have breakfast with porridge in the water and, in the future, so that the weight does not return, exclude sweets and flour from the diet.
How to lose weight fast before competition
One of the popular methods to lose weight fast? dehydration of the body. To lose weight quickly before competition, athletes go to the sauna, where they sweat in their clothes or perform exercises. Some apply baby oil to the body to clog the pores on the skin and increase the internal temperature. If the steam room is not suitable for some reason, you can buy a sauna-effect suit (thermal suit) and run a long distance in it.
How to lose weight fast in 5 days
For this five-day weight loss program, developed by Jessica Hart, you can shed 2-3 kg. The Australian fashion model offers liquid food for five days: green smoothies of cucumbers, spinach or celery with the addition of dry fiber. Eat cottage cheese or a couple of eggs for breakfast, and fish and salad for dinner. To lose weight quickly in 5 days, it is necessary to exclude all snacks, get enough sleep (in a dream we lose calories) and exercise regularly.

15kg fast weight loss diet
To lose 15 kg per week, you must eat foods that increase the body's metabolism and eliminate everything sweet, flour, fried and fatty. A 15 kg fast weight loss diet provides several mandatory rules. The most important of them: it must be eaten three times a day and between meals to exclude any snack (you can only drink green tea without sugar). You need to eat rich in vitamins, but low calorie foods and drink more water. Include freshly squeezed fruit or juice in your diet, start jogging or exercising.
Diet minus 8 kg per week
This four-day diet, as practice has shown, helps you lose up to 4 kg. On Monday, eat unpolished boiled brown rice and drink tomato juice. Tuesday diet Less 8 kg per week takes place in low-fat dairy products (1 kg of cottage cheese and 1.5 liters of kefir). On the third day, boiled chicken and green tea (800 g of meat, 1 liter of tea) are offered. The fourth day of the diet: low-fat cheese, red wine (only 50 g). Wine can be replaced with green tea. Repeat everything for the next 4 days.

Diet minus 5 kg per week
The week of this diet begins with liquid food. You can drink broth, kefir, yogurt, tea, tomato juice, you can not eat anything. A 5 kg per week diet consists of carbohydrates. You can cook, for example, vegetable salads with olive oil without salt. On Wednesday, like Monday, all day only liquids. Thursday is a fruit day. Friday: boiled chicken, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, eggs. Drink on Saturday again, and on Sunday you can stop the diet. For breakfast: a couple of boiled eggs and tea, an apple is suitable for a snack. Light soup for lunch, salad for dinner.
There are other quick 5kg weight loss diets, for example, buckwheat - this cereal helps cleanse the body and subsequent weight loss. At night, buckwheat is made in proportion: 1 cup of cereal to 2.5 cups of boiling water. Do not salt the porridge or grab the bread. For a change, you can prepare it not with water, but with kefir. In addition to buckwheat, you can drink kefir (1.5 liters per day) and water (2 liters per day). This diet helps lose 5 to 7 kg per week.