Fruits and vegetables are still the healthiest thing to put in your mouth when you are dieting and hunger devours you. Take note and good appetite
Although there is no food that contains zero calories, there are many that can be enjoyed freely without having to worry about gaining weight. This is the opinion of the American nutritionist Lisa Young, who assures that this type of food falls into these two categories: non-starchy fruits or vegetables. "They are mostly made up of water, are low in calories and contain fiber, which helps you feel satiated," he stresses.
Although fruits and vegetables are not especially high in protein, they are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that are very beneficial to health. You can resort to them if you are on a diet and feel hunger between meals . Although obviously, you will have to complete your diet with more meals. Always choose wholemeal bread rather than white, do not even think about going to the processed section of the supermarket and, most importantly, do regular physical exercise to truly produce that calorie deficit.
Adding grapefruits to your diet can support weight loss. This is because they are very high in fiber and keep the feeling of hunger at bay.
Below we will see a list of fruits and vegetables that you can eat at any time and in the amount you want, compiled by 'Business Insider '.
Almost 95% of celery is water , but that does not imply that this food does not have other beneficial elements for health; It contains potassium, folic, fiber and vitamin K acid . In one of its stems you will only find 6 calories. Keep in mind that vegetables lose many of these antioxidants within five days of purchasing them at the grocery store, so you'd better be quick to reap their full benefits.
Very light in calories: A cup of raw cabbage is only about 33 calories, but contains about 3 grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fiber in each serving. It is one of the few foods that contains good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient mostly present in certain fish. Like other types of lettuce, kale is also rich in vitamins and folic acid.
Very popular in any diet due to its antioxidant properties, perhaps the type of fruit with the most quantity. Plus, it only has about 85 calories. A pack of blueberries can make up about 14% of the recommended fiber per day.
A vegetable that, like celery, is practically made up of water . Cucumbers only have 16 calories in each serving. The seeds and the skin are responsible for their great nutritional value, so if you want real benefits, it is best not to peel them. In this sense, the husks and seeds of the center provide a great source of fiber and vitamin A , known as beta-carotene, especially useful for improving eyesight.
The tomatoes
They contain lycopene, a carotenoid, which helps fight chronic diseases and also gives it the characteristic red color. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, and B2, as well as folate, chromium, potassium, and fiber. You can eat as many as you want, since a single tomato daily contains 25 calories.
Several studies have shown that adding grapefruits to your diet can strengthen weight loss, hence it is considered a dietary food. This is because they are very high in fiber and keep hunger at bay by stabilizing blood sugar levels and helping you feel fuller for longer. There are only 50 calories in each of them. The vitamin C they contain can reduce the risk of serious health problems such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.
Broccoli is very nutritious when eaten raw or when steamed. This vegetable contains sulforaphane, an anticarcinogen that works to destroy cancer-causing chemicals that the body can ingest either through the environment or from food. In addition to vitamins A, C, E, and K, a single serving of steamed broccoli contains about 20% of the recommended daily amount of fiber. In addition, it only has 31 calories .
Although its white color can be deceiving, it is a very versatile and nutritious vegetable . Cauliflower contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that help fight some chronic diseases. It is also a great source of folate, fiber, and vitamins C and K. About 25 calories in each serving.
Most types of lettuce, whether romaine or iceberg, only have 10 to 20 calories per serving. And although it is a food based mainly on water, it adds many necessary vitamins and nutrients, such as folate, iron and vitamins A and C.
Most people know oranges for their high vitamin C content , but this is only the beginning. Since it is essential for collagen production, orange helps keep skin free of damage and looking good. It is also very low in calories: only one of them has 80. If you never eat the white strands in the center, you are already late: the marrow, called so, contains a lot of fiber , which helps to reduce sugar levels and blood cholesterol.