10 foods you can eat until you are fed up and are great for losing weight

Fruits and vegetables are still the healthiest thing to put in your mouth when you are dieting and hunger devours you. Take note and good appetite
Although there is no food that contains zero calories, there are many that can be enjoyed freely without having to worry about gaining weight. This is the opinion of the American nutritionist Lisa Young, who assures that this type of food falls into these two categories: non-starchy fruits or vegetables. "They are mostly made up of water, are low in calories and contain fiber, which helps you feel satiated," he stresses.
Although fruits and vegetables are not especially high in protein, they are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that are very beneficial to health. You can resort to them if you are on a diet and feel hunger between meals . Although obviously, you will have to complete your diet with more meals. Always choose wholemeal bread rather than white, do not even think about going to the processed section of the supermarket and, most importantly, do regular physical exercise to truly produce that calorie deficit.
Adding grapefruits to your diet can support weight loss. This is because they are very high in fiber and keep the feeling of hunger at bay.
Below we will see a list of fruits and vegetables that you can eat at any time and in the amount you want, compiled by 'Business Insider '.


Almost 95% of celery is water , but that does not imply that this food does not have other beneficial elements for health; It contains potassium, folic, fiber and vitamin K acid . In one of its stems you will only find 6 calories. Keep in mind that vegetables lose many of these antioxidants within five days of purchasing them at the grocery store, so you'd better be quick to reap their full benefits.


Very light in calories: A cup of raw cabbage is only about 33 calories, but contains about 3 grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fiber in each serving. It is one of the few foods that contains good amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient mostly present in certain fish. Like other types of lettuce, kale is also rich in vitamins and folic acid.


Very popular in any diet due to its antioxidant properties, perhaps the type of fruit with the most quantity. Plus, it only has about 85 calories. A pack of blueberries can make up about 14% of the recommended fiber per day.
Who wouldn't want a fridge like that?  (iStock)
Who wouldn't want a fridge like that? 


A vegetable that, like celery, is practically made up of water . Cucumbers only have 16 calories in each serving. The seeds and the skin are responsible for their great nutritional value, so if you want real benefits, it is best not to peel them. In this sense, the husks and seeds of the center provide a great source of fiber and vitamin A , known as beta-carotene, especially useful for improving eyesight.

The tomatoes

They contain lycopene, a carotenoid, which helps fight chronic diseases and also gives it the characteristic red color. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, and B2, as well as folate, chromium, potassium, and fiber. You can eat as many as you want, since a single tomato daily contains 25 calories.


Several studies have shown that adding grapefruits to your diet can strengthen weight loss, hence it is considered a dietary food. This is because they are very high in fiber and keep hunger at bay by stabilizing blood sugar levels and helping you feel fuller for longer. There are only 50 calories in each of them. The vitamin C they contain can reduce the risk of serious health problems such as cancer or cardiovascular disease.


Broccoli is very nutritious when eaten raw or when steamed. This vegetable contains sulforaphane, an anticarcinogen that works to destroy cancer-causing chemicals that the body can ingest either through the environment or from food. In addition to vitamins A, C, E, and K, a single serving of steamed broccoli contains about 20% of the recommended daily amount of fiber. In addition, it only has 31 calories .
Photo: iStock.


Although its white color can be deceiving, it is a very versatile and nutritious vegetable . Cauliflower contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that help fight some chronic diseases. It is also a great source of folate, fiber, and vitamins C and K. About 25 calories in each serving.


Most types of lettuce, whether romaine or iceberg, only have 10 to 20 calories per serving. And although it is a food based mainly on water, it adds many necessary vitamins and nutrients, such as folate, iron and vitamins A and C.


Most people know oranges for their high vitamin C content , but this is only the beginning. Since it is essential for collagen production, orange helps keep skin free of damage and looking good. It is also very low in calories: only one of them has 80. If you never eat the white strands in the center, you are already late: the marrow, called so, contains a lot of fiber , which helps to reduce sugar levels and blood cholesterol.

Effective ways to lower blood pressure naturally (and more if it's hot)

Hypertension can be very dangerous and lead to cardiovascular disease or death. It is easy, without medication, to avoid it with small steps
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 70% of all patients who experience their first heart attack have high blood pressure (or hypertension). A report published in 2016 by the National Statistics Institute (INE) , which spoke of the causes of death in our country in 2014, cardiovascular disease continued to lead as the leading cause of death. We know the theories, you must adopt a healthy lifestyle habit.
But sometimes, even so, hypertension seems to be the Achilles heel of many people . It is a serious concern, of course, as it is a risk factor when it comes to heart disease. Best Life ' magazine has listed a number of very easy ways to control it high, and all naturally.

Eat dark chocolate

The sweetest way. A 2011 Harvard study found that eating a small portion of this food on a daily basis (note the small, mind you) can successfully lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.
Generally, we take too much sodium, which causes increased blood flow and therefore an increase in blood pressure
But it should not be exaggerated. Although it does have its benefits, cardiologist Robert Greenfield of the Vascular Institute of California cautions that "it's true that dark chocolate does have natural antioxidants, but you shouldn't rely too much on this product that is packed with fats and carbohydrates."

Eat (more) nuts

If you're struggling with high blood pressure and want to avoid medications, eating walnuts would be helpful , at least one study from the same year published in the Journal of the American Heart Association claims Experts are not sure if it is due to the fatty acid content of these nuts or other nutrients, but the important thing is that they work, right?

Blueberries and watermelon

Now that summer has arrived, the offer of fruit is much more varied. In the case of blueberries, the researchers hypothesize that much of its benefits are due to anthocyanins (they are what give the fruit its dark hue).
But if you are not a fan of these berries you are in luck, because you can increase your daily watermelon intake. And there is no one who does not like watermelon. A 2014 study in the ' American Journal of Hypertension' found that over the course of 12 weeks, overweight people who received two types of cucurbit extract saw great improvements in their blood pressure.

The longed for nap

According to a 2019 study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology , people who took a nap at noon saw a significant reduction in both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure . Of course, do not get out of hand and wake up without remembering what year you were born. The ideal is half an hour.

Control sodium

According to the American Heart Association , excess sodium in the bloodstream causes increased blood flow, and therefore an increase in blood pressure. Fortunately, there are many low-sodium foods: lentils, potatoes, asparagus, onions, green beans, lettuce, tomato, almonds ...

Get up from your desk

You are looking at the computer all day, so much so that five hours pass and you are surprised to see that you have been sitting all that time. It is true that you should go to the gym to lead a healthy lifestyle , but if you do not have time, at least get up often. A study with a sample of 20 people revealed that those who strained during the day to get up and move reduced their hypertension.

Eat less

It is likely that, as much as you eat healthy, you consume more sodium than you think. A 2017 study published in the magazine ' Appetite ' concluded that the average adult consumed 1,292 mg of sodium during every meal they ate at a restaurant, which is not very favorable for your arteries as we have already seen, so it may be good. idea to start cooking at home. And, if you can, season your dishes with chili or hot sauce, the spicier the greater the benefits for blood pressure.

Listen to relaxing music

And go to yoga, by the way. Apparently, according to the latest research , listening to 'Slipknot' at all times may not be the best thing for your heart. A 2008 American Heart Association study found that when you listen to 12 minutes of soothing music three times a week for about four months, you reduce your systolic blood pressure. So hit Chopin.

10 tricks you should know to control your blood pressure, the 'silent killer'

At least 15 million Spanish adults have high blood pressure, but 14% of them don't even know it. The time has come to change your lifestyle
Hypertension is known as the 'silent killer'. In most cases, it does not present symptoms, but having high pressure progressively damages the cardiovascular system , in such a way that it can affect blood vessels and important organs such as the heart, kidneys and brain. It is not a marginal disease: it affects 35% of adults and 68% of those over 65, according to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine, although 14% of those affected do not know they have it.
In addition, patients with high blood pressure have a twice as high risk of dying from covid-19, according to research published last June in the 'European Heart Journal'. It's no wonder when you consider that malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system can exacerbate the 'cytokine storm' with which immune cells flood the lungs and attack them when in fact they should be protecting them.
"A hypertensive person is for life, there is no going back," explains the coordinator of the Working Group on Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease of the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN), Vicente Pallarés. This is why it's important to take your blood pressure on a regular basis to make sure it stays around 120 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) when the heart is pounding (systolic tension) and around 80 mm Hg when it relaxes (diastolic tension) .
Patients with high blood pressure are at twice the risk of dying from covid-19
If the systolic pressure exceeds 140 mm Hg or the diastolic one is equal to or greater than 90, it is recommended to see a doctor. However, there is the possibility of changing certain habits on a daily basis to avoid reaching this extreme:

1. Learn to measure your blood pressure

Indeed, it is difficult to detect hypertension without regular monitoring. Health authorities recommend doing it at least once every four years for people between the ages of 14 and 45, and every two years thereafter. In case of having high blood pressure, it will be necessary to do it more frequently, always paying attention to the doctor's recommendations. To correctly take the tension, the Public Health System of La Rioja offers the following recommendations:
  • Take it after five minutes of rest at least.
  • The person should be relaxed and not in a hurry.
  • You must also not have eaten, drunk exciting substances (coffee, tea) or smoked during the half hour prior to the measurement.
  • The body position should be seated, not stretched, with the back resting firmly on the back of the chair. The legs should be touching the ground, not crossed, and the hand relaxed, not squeezed and in a resting position.
  • Reference or dominant arm supported more or less at the level of the heart, relaxed hand. The reference or dominant arm is the one in which the BP is highest.
  • The cuff must be in contact with the skin, so the patient must roll up the sleeves. If it is winter and you wear many layers of clothing, it would be better to remove them because if you roll up different garments at the same time, you can create a ring that constrains the area.
  • Once positioned, the person will put on the cuff, which will adapt to the diameter of the arm (small, normal, large). The explanation of the placement is reflected in a graph that accompanies the device, so once the cuff is adjusted, the button must be pressed to connect the blood pressure monitor.
  • It is important that while the cuff is inflated the patient does not speak, since that would affect the marked values.
  • Do not round figures.

2. Greener and less red

Lowering blood pressure depends largely on diet. A diet based on whole grains, fruits, vegetables and non-fat dairy products contributes to lowering blood pressure up to 14 mm Hg, in addition to reducing blood cholesterol levels. Changing eating habits may seem difficult, but luckily Spaniards play at home. The Mediterranean diet is widely accepted as one of the healthiest in the world and incorporates the variety necessary to keep tension at bay, as long as you maintain a ratio of two to three servings of lean meat per week.

3. Reduce the salt in your dishes

Decreasing sodium intake in the diet, even in small amounts, can cause blood pressure to drop from 2 to 8 mm Hg. The advisable thing is not to consume more than 2,300 milligrams daily - the equivalent of a tablespoon - and to narrow the limit to 1,500 mg from the age of 51 or in case of hypertension, diabetes or similar diseases. On the contrary, the ideal to nullify the effects of sodium is to increase the consumption of potassium , present in fruits such as bananas, raisins or oranges.

4. Move regularly

Sports should not be confused with physical activity. Sport involves setting goals to improve performance, a certain demand, after all; but to control the tension it is enough to do physical activity on a regular basis . Going for a walk, jogging, or playing team games for 30 to 60 minutes a day can lower blood pressure by 4 to 9 mm Hg. This option is especially useful for those who are close to hypertension (systolic pressure between 120 and 139, or diastolic pressure between 80 and 89), while those who already have hypertension will reduce the indicators to a safe level.

5. Watch your waist

The specific mechanism by which hypertension occurs in 95% of patients is unknown, but the correlation between blood pressure and increased body mass has been demonstrated in various studies, especially when fat is distributed around the waist . As a general rule, the more you lose weight the more your blood pressure drops, but this option also serves to enhance the action of antihypertensive medications. Thus, for example, losing 10 kilos can lower the pressure at two points , while most drugs are able to reduce it at one point.

6. Restrict the amount of alcohol

In small amounts, alcohol consumption can lower blood pressure by between 2 and 44 mm Hg, but this 'protective' effect is lost with excesses. Where is the limit? Professionals from the prestigious American Mayo Clinic mark it in two daily alcoholic beverages for women and men under 65 and one for the elderly. If alcohol is not normally consumed, it should not be started as a means of reducing blood pressure, as the possible harm from this substance outweighs the benefits.

7. Avoid tobacco at all costs

It is also necessary to avoid the consumption of tobacco and its derived products. Nicotine can increase blood pressure by 10 mm Hg , even up to an hour after smoking. Hence, if a person smokes all day, their blood pressure is constantly kept at high levels. Not only is the health of the smoker at risk: inhaling the smoke produced by others increases the risk of hypertension and heart disease.

8. Cut down on caffeine

Caffeine can cause a short but drastic increase in blood pressure. The causes of this voltage spike are not exactly known. Some researchers believe it could be because it blocks a hormone that keeps the arteries open, and others choose to have the adrenal glands release more adrenaline. Be that as it may, drinking a cup of coffee or tea can increase blood pressure by 5 to 10 points in just 30 minutes.

9. Run away from stressful situations

Too much workload , a family quarrel, the economic situation ... There are many reasons that can cause stress and not all of them can be avoided, but it is important to try, not only for mental health, but for the good of the cardiovascular system, who suffers with each personal crisis. It goes without saying that the best person to manage this type of situation is a psychologist, but there are certain practices that are usually effective in promoting relaxation, such as taking rest periods to do deep breathing exercises , meditate or practice yoga.

10. Remember that you are not alone

Precisely, it is essential to lean on others . Changing routines is not so hard in the company of family and friends, who in addition to providing a moral boost can play a decisive role in releasing stress. Playing sports accompanied is easier, going to the doctor becomes easier with another person next to you and facing an unknown situation is less scary when you have good advice.

Do you have a hard time losing weight? This is what happens to your brain when you try to diet

Failure in weight loss plans is not only the result of the body not being able to eliminate fat, but rather of the signals that the mind constantly sends it

There are countless tips, tricks, recipes, and diet plans that can be found in a single Google search and even in this very section. Each of them seems to have the formula for success when it comes to losing weight. And all agree on the basis of suppressing the desire to bring food to your mouth that may be very rich but are not healthy at all.
But for many experts you have to take into account what is called "reference weight" , that is, the weight according to your body mass index. Despite the fact that only the physicist counts, the brain is also a very important agent in determining what your ideal weight is. After all, it is the one that orders the secretion of hunger hormones, such as ghrelin , which is generated when the brain detects that the available energy reserves are being depleted.

The brain is not concerned with how you look physically. Cares about maintaining life
This hormone produces feelings of hunger that convince you that it is time to open the refrigerator to bring something to your stomach . And from there the digestive system will take care after converting the calories ingested into glucose to feed the muscles, the organs, the brain and, in general, the cells. For its part, the leptin hormone generates the opposite direction, that of satiety, releasing when the body feels that it has already eaten enough. In this sense, it is in charge of indicating to the brain that the energy levels that it requested have already been reached.
David Prologo, an obesity doctor in the United States, says that these signs have three main functions: "They tell your body when to look for food, when to slow down and conserve energy, and when to reserve fuel if you feel deprived (reminiscent of times when famines were frequent) ". In short, " all in the name of survival".

In search of a reference point

"The brain is not concerned with how you look physically," says the doctor in an article on the subject in ' The Healthy'. "He cares about maintaining life." This means that both the body and the mind are programmed to remain stable at a certain point. When you start a new diet or are not consuming enough energy for the brain to demand, you may experience symptoms such as weakness, hunger, depression, fatigue, or headaches . "The good thing is that after a few weeks the brain ends up relaxing and does not emit as many signals as the body begins to find a new set point," says Prologo.
You must set long-term goals. Only then will you make the brain feel more comfortable at a lower weight.
It is then when you finally feel that your appetite decreases, and with it the happy cravings that are one of the great reasons why weight loss plans never come to fruition. "To maintain results, long-term diets often do very well by making your brain fit and feel comfortable at a lower weight," observes Jason McKeown , a neurologist.
Changing this body set point is not easy. "It can take months, and even years, " says McKeown. "So you should set long-term goals. Only then will you make your brain feel more comfortable at a lower weight, which will speed up your body metabolism and decrease appetite. If you think short-term even if you lose a lot of weight in In a short time and you get quick results, you will have more chances to win it again, since your body and brain are not happy at all. "

Turboslim Day-night - composition and instructions for use in slimming capsules

The company «Evalar» specializes in the production of products for people who want to lose weight. The special medicine Turboslim for a day or a night affects the metabolic processes in the body, accelerates weight loss. It belongs to the group of dietary supplements that are popular all over the planet due to the low probability of side effects. According to the manufacturer, the drug will help solve the problem of being overweight, regardless of the reason for the whole.

What is day-night turboslim?

It is a natural biological supplement that helps burn fat efficiently. Turboslim capsules day and night are intended to combat the feeling of hunger, which many people can not diet. This means that you still have to do physical exercises, eat well. Day and night pills are a supplement that simplifies the process of losing weight. In the kit with the tool there is always an instruction that you must read and comply with the recommendations it contains.

The composition of the drug turboslim

Contains preparations of natural substances from plant components that are subjected to extraction. The composition of the turboslim day and night contains extracts of flowers, stems, leaves, which have proven to be positive in the matter of weight loss. The beneficial properties of exotic and local plants are mixed:
  • Grape leaves;
  • garcinia and ficus;
  • silk;
  • artichoke and prickly pear;
  • lemon balm and fennel;
  • algae and turmeric;
  • horsetail and burdock.
Fresh grape leaves

Turboslim day

There are several varieties of this medicine that are designed for daily use, at night, there are improved formulas. The composition includes 5 active supplements that help the body deal with diet, physical activity and speed up the fat burning process. Turboslim Day contains the following components:
  1. Guarana extract. This substance has a complex effect on the body, helps activate fat burning, reduces food cravings and eliminates excess water.
  2. L-carnitine. A common element in sports nutrition, used to speed up metabolism (metabolism).
  3. Chromium picolinate. Able to regulate glucose, which often causes obesity, it reduces sweet cravings.
  4. Cherry stem extract. Promotes the body's conclusions of toxins, excess fluid, stimulates the drainage effect ..
  5. Inulin Has a positive effect on the state of the intestinal flora, the elimination of toxins, accelerates metabolism.

Turboslim night

This version of the drug aims to achieve the maximum effect of losing weight at night. There are two options for these purposes:
  • Turboslim night;
  • Improved nighttime turboslim formula.
The properly selected components of the product are intended to slow down fat deposition, stimulating intestinal activity. The night version contains the following vitamins and nutrients:
  1. Senna extract. It has a mild laxative effect, which helps in the process of cleaning the intestines of toxins, toxins. This element significantly increases intestinal motility.
  2. Garcinia Cambogia (extract). It is often added to many weight loss products. The substance helps suppress appetite, which has a positive effect on the diet, slows down the formation of fats.
  3. Fennel extract. Its properties were known in ancient Greece. It has antispasmodic, calming, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action. The main purpose of the component is to support an organism that is experiencing stress.
  4. Chitosan Delays the fat absorption process. The component contains active substances that prevent fat cells from depositing, eliminating them without changes.
  5. Lemon balm extract. This component has an antispasmodic effect, improves the digestion process.
Turboslim night in capsules

How does turboslim work?

From the above description it can be seen that the tablets, day and night, help the body to improve metabolic processes, reducing appetite and the body's quick conclusions about excess water and fat. The effect of losing weight still depends on your diet and sports, but achieving quick results becomes much easier. With weight loss, a person's biorhythms are taken into account and have a broad and widespread effect on all causes of weight gain. This type of medication must be taken according to the system, which is described in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor.

Indications for use

It is recommended that the manufacturer take the complex day-night complex to achieve the desired effect faster, but this is not necessary. The tablets should be taken by all overweight people, excess body fat, increased appetite throughout the day. There are separate indications for the use of Turboslim at night or during the day. When choosing a complex you should take into account the recommendations.
  • strong craving for sweets;
  • swelling of the body on tours;
  • lethargy, weakness throughout the day;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • constant desire to eat.
  • body fat;
  • increased appetite for dinner;
  • stomach problems at night.
Girl eats cake

How to apply turboslim day and night

The drug belongs to dietary supplements and is not a drug, but there are instructions for use and should be observed. A detailed description will tell you how to take the Turboslim complex day-night. The schemes are scheduled for every hour of the day, for example:
  1. Day. You should take 2 capsules at a time with breakfast. Course duration: 1 month, then it can be extended if the result does not meet your expectations.
  2. Night. One or two tablets (depending on the extra pounds) are taken at dinner. The course lasts as long as with the complex "day".

Side effects

The day and night complex is very popular, but there is concern among people about the security of its reception. There are side effects of Turboslim that occur with prolonged use of the drug or a violation of the instructions for use. You should carefully read the list of contraindications before starting the day and night course. Possible side effects of Turboslim day-night include:
  • systematic loose stools, causing heaviness in the stomach;
  • dysbiosis
  • the effect of senna (laxative) increases with time;
  • discomfort due to frequent bowel movements;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • dehydration;
  • heart palpitations;
  • dizziness, weakness, clouding of consciousness;
  • pressure rise
  • feeling anxious for no reason;
  • feeling of heat, hyperemia of the face;
  • irritability, aggression.
The girl is dizzy


To avoid the above unpleasant effects, you should carefully read the instructions. Do not take medication if you have any day-night turboslim contraindication:
  • age up to 16 years;
  • during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system in chronic form;
  • with personal intolerance to the components of Turboslim.